Many iwi providers have stood up to provide a COVID-19 response with support from government agencies and District Health Boards. Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai has also embraced the opportunity to provide a mana whenua outreach service delivered in partnership with Hora Te Pai Health Service, called Manaaki Kapiti.

Manaaki Kapiti is a response service for COVID-19 positive cases, to meet whānau health and welfare needs while they are in isolation, either at home or in a Managed or Supported I.Q facility. While this service is iwi-led, it is available to everyone who lives within our rohe.

We have been operating since December 2021 and have had a steady flow of referrals.

How does Manaaki Kapiti know who needs support?

We get notifications from:

  • a national clinical health system

  • local GP’s and medical practices

  • Other manaaki services around the region

  • a MSD referral system

So, what is the service?

We have joined up with Hora Te Pai Health Services to partner on a bespoke outreach service that is agile and flexible to meet the changing needs of whanau with COVID. We are one of many in the region, each are supported by government agencies and regional district health boards. Hora Te Pai provide clinical and health services, while the Manaaki team support with kai, hygiene packs and any other social needs during isolation.

Is this service available to everyone?

Yes! This service is available to everyone who is COVID positive, living within our rohe. We know how important it is for whānau to stay at home during this time and we are here to support.

How do I access this service?

There are a couple of ways, through your whānau medical practitioner, the COVID self-registrations system and through the Ministry of Social Development’s referral service. We understand that these types of referrals aren’t always timely. If, through your service, you know of someone in need of Manaaki support please contact us through our designated channels.

When are you open?

We are operating from 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday with an on-call service over the weekends (we will increase weekend hours in the coming weeks).

How do I get in touch with the Manaaki Kapiti Team?

If you know of COVID-19 positive households and whanau who may need some outreach support (either clinical or welfare) please feel free to contact referrals@manaakikapiti.org.nz or call us on 0800 888 683

Rats, Rats, Rats (not the rodent type)

If you or your whanau require RATS (Rapid Antigen Tests) please don’t hesitate to contact the Iwi tari or the Manaaki Team. A number of RATS have been provided to the Iwi tari however if you are symptomatic, we ask kindly that you stay home, our Hauora and Kaimanaaki team can get these to you!